Saturday, April 23, 2011

New Work: CCA 2011 Thesis Exhibition

Graduate school is drawing to a close, which means many things for me, like freedom and change and a weekend off once in awhile, but it also means before all that our MFA exhibition will open soon!  The show will open May 12 and will feature all forty-two CCA Masters of Fine Arts graduating students.   As one of them, I have been working pretty tirelessly to pull out some large, laborious, and creepy headdress paintings.  These works are about tropes within fashion images I have been culling and reinterpreting into narratives of metaphorical headdresses, worn by figures who embody the tropes.  Here are the two I have finished so far, which I am pretty excited about.

(* Don't forget you can double-click on the images for larger views)

"The Seduction of Destruction Headdress",
watercolor, colored pencil, gouache, photo transfer, dye, and gold leaf on paper, 50" x 39", 2011 

"The Glamorization of Death Headdress",
watercolor, colored pencil, gouache, and photo transfer on paper, 46" x 36", 2011 

Reception:  Thursday, May 12, 6-10 pm  CCA 1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco, CA

More info on the CCA website

Like me, everyone is scurrying around and slaving away over our final thesis artworks; a culmination of all we have accomplished over the last two years as well as a visual song and dance to the art world.  No one wants to put the wrong encapsulation of their work out there.  We all look terrible.  Next time you see a graduating MFA student, had them a bagel, vitamins, and some juice.  And a hug would be nice.

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